New tool iiTrak identifies energy and cost saving measures

With the dual concerns of the cost-of-living crisis, coupled with the climate crisis, energy saving is high up on the agenda for every business at the moment. It is no different with the compressed air sector, which is experiencing similar issues as rising energy costs put major financial pressures on us all.

It is estimated that compressed air can account for as much as 10% of a site’s electricity bill, so it is imperative that companies use compressed air systems that are well designed and as efficient as possible; ensuring minimal pressure loss which can increase costs and the need to generate compressed air at a higher pressure.

Atlas Copco, as one of the largest producers of air compressors, is doing its part to ensure that its compressed air systems are as energy efficient as possible. Products are continuously developed and improved to reduce energy use and emissions and therefore increase customers’ competitiveness.

Energy efficiency is one of the four focuses of Atlas Copco product and service development, along with productivity, safety, and ergonomics; all of which has led to it being ranked among the world’s most sustainable companies by the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, the Newsweek Green Rankings and the Global 100 list.

Atlas Copco products always have sustainability at their heart and as a result deliver significant energy savings. Now Atlas Copco has launched an innovative new tool, iiTrak, which can measure the air demand and energy consumption of air compressors. This data is then gathered into a comprehensive report tailored specifically to a company’s operations, requirements, and priorities, providing recommendations on energy saving measures which will simultaneously reduce its environmental footprint and reduce costs. It also identifies the ideal air compressor according to a company’s need.

Managing Director, Bob Robertson, said: “We have been installing Atlas Copco systems since 1985. The company is always striving to develop products that are increasingly energy efficient – there’s a real awareness that this is essential to meeting climate goals, with the added benefit of offering customers significant savings on its energy consumption and therefore its bottom line.

“Now Atlas Copco has gone one step further and with this innovative new tool, iiTrak, we can help companies reduce energy consumption and save money through a tailored report which highlights how much electricity it costs to operate an air compressor, with tailored recommendations as to how energy consumption and costs can be reduced. It can also identify which compressor would be the best fit for a specific company, if a change or upgrade was desired. Efficient production processes not only save money but ensure that companies continue to comply with increasingly stringent government regulations. It’s a win, win!”

For more information on iiTrak or to speak to one of BRE’s compressed air specialists call us on 0800 056 59 29 or email